Carpet Cleaning Courses – Build Your Business With The Carpet Cleaning College

All our carpet cleaning courses have been written by experienced carpet cleaning professionals and are not full of hot air, fluff and nonsense which you really don’t need to know. Instead, they’re crammed full of real-world strategies to help you market yourself better, sell to better quality customers and win more high-end quotations!

Each of our carpet cleaning courses contain dozens of videos which would slow down this site to a crawl so we host all our courses on an external course hosting provider, so click on the links and get more details on all our courses and see in detail exactly what you’ll get in each course.

Here's the carpet cleaning courses we offer ...

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Carpet Cleaning Success For Newbies

The Magnificent Marketing Machine

Persuasive Selling For Carpet Cleaners

carpet cleaning training image

Pricing For Profit

Double Your Profits


Take The Course, Sit The Exam, Get Certified

Once you have taken one of our courses you will find a link to try the exam. Don’t worry if you don’t pass first time, you will get unlimited attempts! Just revist the areas of the course you need to brush up on then resit the exam!

When you pass the exam you will be sent a PDF certificate to proudly frame and put on your office wall; another great idea is to keep it in your quote bag to demonstarte to your customers the high level of professionalism you have achieved.